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Getting Ready For The Year Ahead: Academy Trust Handbook 2022, Preparing for your Year End Audit, Planning for 2022/23 and Other Business Updates

Wednesday 14th September 2022
09:30 - 11:00


Get the new school year off to a great start by joining us for our academy business update briefing. We will give you tips on how to plan for the year ahead and provide you with an SBM planning tool to help schedule your work efficiently across the year.

We will also provide a summary of the changes to the Academy Trust Handbook and the impact of these for your trust.

The session will also include all the things you need to do to prepare for your year end audit and highlight the most common areas of internal control weaknesses that appear on audit reports so you can reflect and adjust your own practices if need be.

We will also take this opportunity to share with you information about any other relevant school business updates.

Who is this course for:

This workshop is ideal for Operations Director, SBL, SBM, School Business Leader, School Business Manager, Finance Assistant, Finance Officer, Finance Manager, CFO, Chief Financial Officer, Principal, Headteacher, CEO, Chief Executive Officer, Governor, Trustee and Accounting Officer

Course Duration:

1 hour and 30 minutes




Wed 14th Sep 2022



Registration Closed